Brought together by faith, we have an opportunity and responsibility to advocate and pray for issues in our world. Here are a few key areas where you can get involved.


Brought together by faith, we have an opportunity and responsibility to advocate and pray for issues in our world. Here are a few key areas where you can get involved.

Refugee Sponsorship

When we think of refugees we often hear of the Biblical call to ‘welcome the stranger.’ And welcoming the stranger is a good first step. But in this increasingly interconnected world, these strangers are our neighbours and we need each other. When one part of a community struggles, the entire community is incomplete. Our hope is that this workshop will help Christian citizens to work with their refugee neighbours for justice.

Hunger and Food Security

When it comes to famine and hunger, World Renew practices comprehensive development work that addresses all of the factors that contribute to food insecurity. In Canada, we partner with The Canadian Foodgrains Bank, a unique partnership of 15 member churches and church agencies with a commitment to fighting hunger. Partner with us as we work toward a world where everyone is food secure.

a Kenyan woman smiling with a stick over her shoulder and two younger women walking behind her in a farming plot
a Kenyan woman smiling with a stick over her shoulder and two younger women walking behind her in a farming plot

Hunger and Food Security

When it comes to famine and hunger, World Renew practices comprehensive development work that addresses all of the factors that contribute to food insecurity. In Canada, we partner with The Canadian Foodgrains Bank, a unique partnership of 15 member churches and church agencies with a commitment to fighting hunger. Partner with us as we work toward a world where everyone is food secure.

Creation Care

World Renew believes that creation care is essential for thriving communities. We acknowledge that God is the creator of all things, and has called us to be faithful stewards of creation. Farmers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America are struggling to adapt to changing weather patterns and rainy seasons. Increased droughts and flooding are threatening food security and rural livelihoods.

World Renew seeks to address these challenges through programs that help farmers adapt to the changing climate.

What does World Renew believe about prayer?

At World Renew, we know that God listens. He cares about our concerns and rejoices with us.

God makes himself known to us through prayer, Jesus taught the disciples to pray with the Lord’s Prayer, and God also commands, invites, and encourages followers of His Son Jesus to pray often.