International Disaster Response Projects

World Renew’s International Disaster Response team provides support to many communities worldwide that are affected by disasters by working in cooperation with local non-governmental organizations and churches. Their expertise and knowledge are invaluable to the work of World Renew and ensure that the assistance is appropriate to the local context, and helps to foster long- term impacts.

The list below of current disaster response projects show how your faithful prayers and generous gifts change people’s lives.



purple bangladesh

Project: Improving the Food Security of Vulnerable Host Communities in Teknaf

Partner: SATHI Relief Committee

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $813,070.38 CAD

Participants: 16,550

Start date: 01-Jan-21

End date: 31-Dec-23

Project: Addressing Vulnerability and Resilience of the Host Community from Sabrang Union affected by the Rohingya Humanitarian Crisis

Partner: SATHI Relief Committee

Total Commit: $522,698.40 CAD

Participants: 2,957

Start date: 01-Oct-21

End date: 30-Sep-24

Project: Rapid Response for the Mocha Cyclone affected Community at Teknaf

Partner: SATHI Relief Committee

Total Commit: $13,595.92 CAD

Participants: 859

Start date: 06-Jun-23

End date: 31-Jul-23

Project: Niripad Agriculture and Livelihood Project

Partner: Participatory Action for Rural Innovation

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $186,420.30 CAD

Participants: 13,529

Start date: 01-Oct-23

End date: 30-Sep-26

Project: Improving Food Security of Vulnerable Host Community Impacted by the Rohingya Refugee Influx in Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar

Partner: SATHI Relief Committee

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $223,289.18 CAD

Participants: 18,800

Start date: 01-Jan-24

End date: 31-Dec-26

Project: Cyclone Remal Response Project

Partner: Faith in Action

Total Commit: $20,466.43 CAD

Participants: 1,828

Start date: 16-Jun-24

End date: 15-Sep-24


purple India

Project: Emergency Response for Displaced Communities

Partner: North East India Committee on Relief & Development

Total Commit: $53,040.00 CAD

Participants: 2,039

Start date: 01-Jul-23

End date: 31-Aug-23

Project: North India Flood – Small Rapid Response

Partner: Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief

Total Commit: $19,951.33 CAD

Start date: 24-Jul-23

End date: 30-Aug-23

Project: Three Year Agriculture and Livelihoods Project

Partner: Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief/North East India Committee on Relief & Development

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $45,000.00 CAD

Start date: 01-Jan-23

End date: 31-Dec-23

Project: Pre-project Situation Assessment Phase

Partner: North East India Committee on Relief & Development

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $23,120.00 CAD

Start date: 01-Jun-23

End date: 31-Aug-23

Middle East


Project: Food Vouchers for Vulnerable Families in Lebanon

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $1,037,760.24 CAD

Participants: 4,975

Start Date: 01-Jul-2023

End Date: 31-Mar-2024

Project: Extension to Food Vouchers for Vulnerable Families in Lebanon

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $219,700.00 CAD

Participants: 4,750

Start Date: 01-Apr-2024

End Date: 31-May-2024

Project: Milk, Diapers and Feminine Pads for Vulnerable Families in Lebanon

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Total Commit: $105,731.01 CAD

Participants: 8,680

Start Date: 01-Jul-2023

End Date: 31-Mar-2024

Project: Milk, Diapers and Feminine Pads for Vulnerable Families in Lebanon

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Total Commit: $108,115.92 CAD

Participants: 1,500

Start Date: 01-Apr-2024

End Date: 31-Mar-2025

Project: Winter Assistance for Vulnerable Families in Lebanon

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Total Commit: $50,000.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Nov-2023

End Date: 31-Mar-2024

Project: Contingency and Emergency Response Proposal

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Total Commit: $19,950.00 CAD

Participants: 4,000

Start Date: 11-Oct-2023

End Date: 30-Jun-2024

Project: Education and Child Protection in Lebanon

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Total Commit: $239,831.00

Participants: 1,520

Start Date: 01-Sep-2023

End Date: 31-Aug-2024


purple Syria

Project: Food Baskets for Internally Displaced and Vulnerable People in Syria

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $1,313,000.00 CAD

Participants: 19,046

Start date: 01-Jul-23

End date: 31-Mar-24

Project: Extension to Food Baskets for Internally Displaced and Vulnerable People in Syria

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $427,800.00 CAD

Participants: 9,773

Start date: 01-Apr-24

End date: 31-May-24

Project: 2023 Syria Earthquake Emergency Response

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Total Commit: $1,385,074.80 CAD

Participants: 28,000

Start date: 07-Feb-23

End date: 31-Mar-25

Project: Aleppo and Lattakia Earthquake Food Assistance (ALFA)

Partner: Adventist Development and Relief Agency

Total Commit: $15,432.00 CAD

Start date: 15-Apr-23

End date: 15-Dec-23

Project: Education and Child Protection in Syria

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Total Commit: $202,500.00 CAD

Participants: 800

Start date: 01-Jul-23

End date: 30-Jun-24

Project: Home Rehabilitation for Displaced and Vulnerable Families in Syria

Partner: Middle East Revive and Thrive

Total Commit: $74,671.80 CAD

Participants: 151

Start date: 01-Jun-24

End date: 31-Dec-24

Latin America


Project: Targeted Malnutrition Treatment Program for Children in Hinche, St. Marc and Boucan-Carré

Partner: Partners in Health – Haiti

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $663,057.00CAD

Start Date: 01-Jul-2023

End Date: 31-Mar-2026

Project: Haiti Humanitarian Response (H2R)

Partner: Food for the Hungry

Total Commit: $68,000.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Apr-2024

End Date: 30-Jun-2024

Project: Haiti Humanitarian Response (H2R)

Partner: Food for the Hungry – USA

Total Commit: $207,000.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Apr-2024

End Date: 30-Apr-2025

Project: Emergency Resettlement Support for Internally Displaced and Conflict Affected Families in Haiti

Partner: World Concern

Total Commit: $205,500.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Jun-2024

End Date: 30-Nov-2024



Project: Food Assistance for Food Insecure households in the department of Intibucá, Honduras

Partner: Comisión de Acción Social Menonita

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $487,944.88 CAD

Participants: 2,375

Start Date: 13-Nov-2023

End Date: 30-May-2024


purple nicaragua

Project: Recovery, WASH, Mental and Spiritual Support, Hurricane Julia

Partner: Fundacion San Lucas

Total Commit: $82,200.00 CAD

Participants: 1,745

Start Date: 27-Feb-2023

End Date: 31-Aug-2023

Southern Africa


Project: Humanitarian Response in Ambovombe Androy

Partner: Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $1,101,310.00 CAD

Participants: 14,251

Start Date: 01-Sep-2023

End Date: 31-Mar-2024

Project: Humanitarian Early Recovery & Development (HERD) in Amboasary-Atsimo District of Anosy Region – Phase 2

Partner: Church of Jesus Christ of Madagascar

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $1,881,483.00 CAD

Participants: 9,787

Start Date: 01-Jan-2022

End Date: 31-Dec-2024


purple malawi

Project: Cyclone Freddy Response

Partner: Churches Action in Relief and Development

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $50,000.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Jul-2023

End Date: 31-Oct-2023

Project: Cyclone Freddy Food Assistance Response

Partner: Eagles Relief and Development Programme

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $789,475.00 CAD

Participants: 2,790

Start Date: 01-Sep-2023

End Date: 31-Oct-2024

Project: Cyclone Freddy Food Assistance Response

Partner: Word Alive Ministries International

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $529,614.00 CAD

Participants: 4,521

Start Date: 01-Sep-2023

End Date: 30-Apr-2024


purple ZAMBIA

Project: Community Transformation through Improved Food Security, Nutrition and Livelihoods

Partner: United Church of Zambia

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $642,184.18 CAD

Participants: 8,705

Start Date: 01-Jan-2022

End Date: 31-Dec-2026

Project: Cholera Response

Partner: United Church of Zambia

Total Commit: $20,080.34 CAD

Participants: 5,000

Start Date: 01-Feb-2024

End Date: 31-Mar-2024

East Africa


outline of Ethiopia

Project: Brightening the Future of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project – Phase V

Partner: Food for the Hungry – Ethiopia

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $874,202.00 CAD

Participants: 4,870

Start Date: 01-Oct-2020

End Date: 30-Sep-2023


purple kenya

Project: Climate Support Project

Partner: Anglican Development Services – Pwani

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $197,221.04 CAD

Start Date: 01-Jul-2023

End Date: 31-Mar-2026

Project: Enhancing Food Assistance to Drought Affected Populations in Turkana South Sub-County

Partner: Anglican Development Services – North Rift

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $858,791.23 CAD

Participants: 13,199

Start Date: 18-Oct-2022

End Date: 31-Jul-2023

South Sudan

Project: Food Assistance in South Sudan

Partner: ZOA – Dorcas South Sudan

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $1,786,760.29 CAD

Participants: 14,575

Start Date: 01-Aug-2023

End Date: 31-Jan-2024


purple Tanzania

Project: Integrated Food Security and Livelihood Project in Geita Region

Partner: African Inland Church Tanzania – Diocese of Geita

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $546,324.00 CAD

Participants: 7,099

Start Date: 21-Apr-2021

End Date: 20-Jul-2026

Project: Integrated Food Security and Livelihood Project in Mara Region

Partner: African Inland Church Tanzania – Diocese of Mara and Ukerewe

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $653,701.00 CAD

Participants: 13,876

Start Date: 21-Apr-2021

End Date: 20-Jul-2026


purple Uganda

Project: Improved Food Security in Padwot Sub County, Kucwiny

Partner: Church of Uganda – Nebbi Diocese

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $367,517.32 CAD

Participants: 2,123

Start Date: 01-Oct-2022

End Date: 30-Sep-2027

Project: Karamoja Food Assistance Program

Partner: Pentecostal Assemblies of God

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $200,000.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Jan-2023

End Date: 31-Dec-2023

Project: Karamoja Food Assistance Program

Partner: Pentecostal Assemblies of God

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $150,000.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Jul-2023

End Date: 31-Mar-2024

West Africa


purple nigeria

Project: Relief Cash and Livelihoods Recovery

Partner: ZOA Nigeria

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $2,037,408.00 CAD

Participants: 5,636

Start Date: 01-Apr-2021

End Date: 31-Dec-2023

Project: Cash Assistance for Food and Support for Early Recovery of Livelihoods for IDPs and Host Families

Partner: ZOA Nigeria

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $2,913,258.00 CAD

Participants: 12,598

Start Date: 01-Jan-2023

End Date: 31-Dec-2025

Additional Projects


Project: Improving food security through provision of life-saving cash assistance for food in selected districts

Total Commit: $30,000.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Oct-2023

End Date: 31-Mar-2024


outline of Colombia

Project: Food E-voucher Assistance for Food Insecure Venezuelan Migrants and Host Communities in the Border Departments of La Guajira and Arauca, Colombia Phase 5

Partner: ZOA Colombia

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $1,132,118.00 CAD

Participants: 4,000

Start Date: 22-May-2023

End Date: 07-Jan-2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Project: Neglected Crises in Democratic Republic of the Congo

Partner: World Relief – Congo

Total Commit: $12,900 CAD

Start Date: 01-Aug-2022

End Date: 31-Jul-2023

Project: Agriculture and Livelihoods Project

Partner: Tearfund Canada

Total Commit: $55,000 CAD

Start Date: 02-May-2022

End Date: 30-Apr-2025


Project: Government Affairs Canada Funded Food Assistance Project

Partner: Community World Service Asia

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $6,731.00 CAD

Start date: 3-Mar-23

End date: 03-Sep-23


Project: Gaza Response

Partner: International Health Partners

Total Commit: $48,330.00 CAD

Start Date: 23-Oct-2023

End Date: 23-Oct-2024

Project: Emergency Food Response

Partner: Catholic Relief Services – Ethiopia

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $16,437.00 CAD

Start Date: 15-Dec-2023

End Date: 14-Dec-2024

Project: Emergency Food Assistance to Households Impacted in Gaza

Partner: Mennonite Central Committee Canada

Funding Partner: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Total Commit: $8,219.00 CAD

Start Date: 22-Jan-2024

End Date: 30-Nov-2024



Project: Temporary Shelter for Karen IDPs

Partner: Social Development and Service Unit of Church of Christ in Thailand

Total Commit: $27,600.00 CAD

Participants: 1,650

Start date: 27-May-24

End date: 15-Jul-24


Project: Ukraine: Emergency Response to Conflict

Total Commit: $128,000.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-Mar-2022

End Date: 29-Feb-2024

Project: Year 2 in Ukraine: Renewal, Healing and Livelihoods

Total Commit: $208,500.00 CAD

Start Date: 01-May-2023

End Date: 30-Apr-2024

Project: Emergency Shelter and Cash Assistance for War-Affected Populations

Total Commit: $202,500.00 CAD

Participants: 1,236

Start Date: 15-Feb-2023

End Date: 15-Oct-2023

Project: Employment and rent support for conflict affected populations

Total Commit: $399,000.00 CAD

Participants: 405

Start Date: 01-Jan-2024

End Date: 31-Oct-2024