World Renew and its partners work with respect and aligning our development work with Government Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) policy and practices for the development and development organizations since 1972.


World Renew and its partner work with respect and aligning our development work with Government Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) policy and practices for the development and development organizations since 1972.


Almost half of the population of Bangladesh lives on less than one dollar a day. Moreover, about one-third of the country floods each year during the monsoon season. Yet, despite these hurdles, the Bangladesh people have made great strides in improving their lives over the past three decades. Through programs in health, literacy, justice education, small business development, and income generation, people are learning to overcome poverty permanently.

Food Security

Economic Opportunity

Community Health

Peace and Justice

Disaster Response

purple bangladesh

We are learning by doing community development together through:

  • Peoples Institutions (PI)
  • Community Central Committee (CCC)

  • Young & Adolescent groups
  • Children (in health programs through 1000 Days programming) 

  • Disaster Risk Reduction groups

  • Village Savings and Loan groups

  • Savings and Livelihood groups

  • Small and medium entrepreneurs
  • Functional Education groups

  • Creation Care groups 

  • Community Health volunteers

  • Farmer & Food Security groups

  • Peace & Justice groups
  • Trauma Healing groups
Our Partnerships

World Renew works through partnerships for building organizational and community capacity for sustainability. Our partners are government registered local/national development organizations with board leadership and have clear partnership agreements to do integrated, sustainable and transformational community development and disaster response. World Renew offers capacity building to develop and practice results-based management and appreciative inquiry and transformational values.

The Learning Circle Network is our major sharing and learning platform on development which started in 1996 and includes our partner organizations and other interested organizations.

Map of World Renew's partners in Bangladesh.
  • Garo Baptist Convention Christian Health Project (GBC-CHP)
  • Participatory Action for Rural Innovation (PARI)
  • Sustainable Association for Taking Human Development Initiatives (SATHI)
  • Faith In Action (FIA)
  • Learning Circle Network (LC)

The Garo people live in a rural part of Northern Bangladesh in the Shepur District. Through the Garo Baptist Convention Primary Health Care Project, World Renew is helping the Garo and other indigenous people improve their lives and overcome poverty through programs in:

  • Health
    With support from World Renew, the GBC PHCP carries out health promotion programs. This includes monitoring the growth of children under the age of 5, and providing them with vaccinations for common diseases. GNC PHCP also provides community members with training in family planning, sanitation, and safe drinking water.
  • Income Generation
    World Renew and GBC support men and women by helping them invest in their businesses. They encourage business people to meet in small groups, and then provide these groups with training on business skills, book keeping, and starting and maintaining a business.
  • Justice
    World Renew and GBC are helping communities seek justice. This past year, GBC staff received training on family laws, human rights, women’s rights, and child rights. These staff are now creating programs to educate their communities about these issues.
  • Literacy
    Through GBC, World Renew is helping Garo men and women learn to read and write. Programs are tailored to the needs and abilities of local community members. Newly learned skills are then practiced at regular weekly meetings.

In the Mymensingh, Sherpur, Jamalpur & Netrokona districts of Bangladesh, World Renew works with PARI to help poor communities improve their lives. This is done through programs in:

  • Agriculture
    With World Renew support, PARI teaches community members new agricultural practices to increase food production so that families can both eat of and earn from the food they grow. This past year, flood and other natural calamities made farming in outdoor crops impossible. World Renew and PARI implemented programs to show people how to grow plants such as tomatoes in kitchen gardens, and loaned money to some families so that they could start duck farms and fisheries.
  • Health
    World Renew and PARI have assisted community members in the past year by building a reservoir to harvest rain water, providing HIV/AIDS prevention and awareness classes, and giving general health promotion workshops to community participants.
  • Income Generation & Small Business Development
    Through PARI, World Renew provides community members with opportunities to create and grow income through small businesses. Group members are taught about savings and loans, and are given loans according to needs. For example, a participant may be given a small loan to start cultivating sugar cane. The progress is monitored and additional training in business development is given. Over time, the loan is repaid so that other community members can be assisted. Business men and women are also trained in ways to develop their small business. In the past year, this has included training in business management, starting a new business, and increasing selling capacities.
  • Justice
    World Renew and PARI provide training in justice issues to community members and leaders. This training focuses on topics like child labor, the importance of children staying in school, gender issues, and land rights.
  • Literacy
    With World Renew support, PARI provides adult literacy programs to poor communities. World Renew and PARI have also developed study circles, where learners can share their experiences and learning with each other.

In the Dhaka, Gazipur, Netrokona, Kishorganj & Cox’s Bazar districts of Bangladesh, World Renew works with poor communities through an organization called SATHI. World Renew and SATHI meet community needs through programs in:

  • Health
    World Renew and SATHI provide training on general health issues such as immunizations, family planning, and access to safe water.
  • Income Generation & Small Business Development
    World Renew and SATHI teach business skills to men and women to help them start and improve small businesses. This includes training in basic financial management, as well as training in specific skills like sewing, cutting, block printing, and ice cream making. SATHI also helps business people start business forums, so that group members can provide encouragement and support to each other.
  • Justice
    Through World Renew, SATHI is working to combat child labor, adolescent HIV/AIDS, and mistreatment of disabled teens in Bangladesh. SATHI works with parents and employers to help them understand the importance of education for children. They also provide life skills and literacy classes to children around their work schedules. SATHI and World Renew also work with adolescents to train them in leadership, and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. Lastly, SATHI works with communities to provide training on the rights, roles, and responsibilities of people with disabilities.
  • Literacy
    World Renew and SATHI work with men and women to help them read. Together, they provide 9-month sessions in reading, writing, and accounting stills. They also provide a “post-literacy” class for continued learning.

Starting in October 2017, World Renew partnered with Faith In Action in the Satkhira district through Satkhira – Integrated Community Development Project. The project is implementing in Shyamnagar Upazila in Satkhira district focusing on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction for the climate victims.

World Renew works with the Learning Circle Network through its office in Dhaka.
PARI - World Renew's partner in Bangladesh
SATHI - World Renew's partner in Bangladesh
GBC-CHP - World Renew's partner in Bangladesh
FIA - World Renew's partner in Bangladesh
Learning Circle in Bangladesh
People’s institution: a leadership model of sustainable community development

The People’s Institution in Bangladesh consists of representatives from the Community Central Committee – groups formed by men and women together. Various groups have been formed within the Community Central Committee, including a Primary Group of Men, a Primary Group of Women, Adolescent Boys Groups, Adolescent Girls Groups, and Children’s Groups with both boys and girls. It operates under six core values: sharing and learning, unity and cooperation, caring and serving, love and respect, stewardship, and shared vision and mission.

World Renew promotes integrated, sustainable, transformational community development through five capacity dimensions: sustainable community with shared vision, effective and participative learning, gender equity and equality practices existing in the community, program quality and results-based achievements, and values being practiced.

The Leadership and Management Structure of the People’s Institution incorporates a specific society of committees, a general board, and programs, that work together to support the institutions.



World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ’s compassion and live together in hope as God’s community. 


Compelled by God’s deep passion for mercy and justice, World Renew joins communities around the world to change their story from poverty to restoring creation, from injustice to reconciling relationships (shalom) and from disaster to renewing hope.


World Renew has defined a series of values by which we intend to do our work and want to be held accountable for. In essence, World Renew’s tagline that focuses on Micah 6:8 captures the overriding values and motivations for our work: “Doing justice, loving mercy and serving Christ” in all we do. This is demonstrated by these more specific values:

  • Faith: We seek to understand God’s will in all we do. We encourage a worldview of faith and trust in God who can give a hope-filled energy for each person to fulfill His purpose.
  • Effectiveness: We are innovative, resourceful and continual learners with partners and communities to ensure timely, appropriate, proactive and excellent interventions.
  • People Flourishing: We treat each person equally as an image-bearer of God, including them as partners in decisions and plans that affect them and in pursuit of the fullness of life that God has promised and intended.
  • Stewardship: We are grateful recipients of God’s gifts to us. We steward these gifts with integrity, accountability and systems of reporting that honour both the intent of the donors and the flourishing of people in communities.
contact world renew in bangladesh
Kohima Daring

Our Staff

Kohima Daring
Country Director

Sayed Akhtar Ali
Manager- Finance & Admin

Silas Santonu Sangma
Manager-Information Management

Our Location

Address: House #468, Lane #8, Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh

Phone: +88-02-8419171

Email: [email protected]

Financials available upon request.