World Renew and its partner work with respect and aligning our development work with Government Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) policy and practices for the development and development organizations since 1972.
Almost half of the population of Bangladesh lives on less than one dollar a day. Moreover, about one-third of the country floods each year during the monsoon season. Yet, despite these hurdles, the Bangladesh people have made great strides in improving their lives over the past three decades. Through programs in health, literacy, justice education, small business development, and income generation, people are learning to overcome poverty permanently.
Food Security
Economic Opportunity
Community Health
Peace and Justice
Disaster Response

We are learning by doing community development together through:
Our Partnerships
World Renew works through partnerships for building organizational and community capacity for sustainability. Our partners are government registered local/national development organizations with board leadership and have clear partnership agreements to do integrated, sustainable and transformational community development and disaster response. World Renew offers capacity building to develop and practice results-based management and appreciative inquiry and transformational values.
The Learning Circle Network is our major sharing and learning platform on development which started in 1996 and includes our partner organizations and other interested organizations.

People’s institution: a leadership model of sustainable community development
The People’s Institution in Bangladesh consists of representatives from the Community Central Committee – groups formed by men and women together. Various groups have been formed within the Community Central Committee, including a Primary Group of Men, a Primary Group of Women, Adolescent Boys Groups, Adolescent Girls Groups, and Children’s Groups with both boys and girls. It operates under six core values: sharing and learning, unity and cooperation, caring and serving, love and respect, stewardship, and shared vision and mission.
World Renew promotes integrated, sustainable, transformational community development through five capacity dimensions: sustainable community with shared vision, effective and participative learning, gender equity and equality practices existing in the community, program quality and results-based achievements, and values being practiced.
The Leadership and Management Structure of the People’s Institution incorporates a specific society of committees, a general board, and programs, that work together to support the institutions.
World Renew envisions a world where people experience and extend Christ’s compassion and live together in hope as God’s community.
Compelled by God’s deep passion for mercy and justice, World Renew joins communities around the world to change their story from poverty to restoring creation, from injustice to reconciling relationships (shalom) and from disaster to renewing hope.
World Renew has defined a series of values by which we intend to do our work and want to be held accountable for. In essence, World Renew’s tagline that focuses on Micah 6:8 captures the overriding values and motivations for our work: “Doing justice, loving mercy and serving Christ” in all we do. This is demonstrated by these more specific values:
- Faith: We seek to understand God’s will in all we do. We encourage a worldview of faith and trust in God who can give a hope-filled energy for each person to fulfill His purpose.
- Effectiveness: We are innovative, resourceful and continual learners with partners and communities to ensure timely, appropriate, proactive and excellent interventions.
- People Flourishing: We treat each person equally as an image-bearer of God, including them as partners in decisions and plans that affect them and in pursuit of the fullness of life that God has promised and intended.
- Stewardship: We are grateful recipients of God’s gifts to us. We steward these gifts with integrity, accountability and systems of reporting that honour both the intent of the donors and the flourishing of people in communities.
contact world renew in bangladesh

Our Staff
Kohima Daring
Country Director
Sayed Akhtar Ali
Manager- Finance & Admin
Silas Santonu Sangma
Manager-Information Management
Our Location
Address: House #468, Lane #8, Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh
Phone: +88-02-8419171
Email: [email protected]
Financials available upon request.