Meditation: Falling in love is one of the most profoundly spiritual experiences a person can have. By falling in love we discover our capacity for selflessness. We experience what it means to entrust ourselves, our souls and bodies, to another. When we fall in love as God does, we too will ultimately “stretch out [our] arms of love on the hard wood of the cross,” just as Jesus did. – Brother James Koester, SSJ
Joh Lily is enthusiastic about her farm in Cambodia. She is just 32, and it is rare to see such a young woman so active in her farm. “If the villagers want to learn about the techniques I am using, I will teach them,” she explains. “The more people who can farm for themselves in the village the better we will all be.”
Joh Lily’s parents moved with her to the city when she was a young child. Due to little income and her mother’s poor health Joh Lily had to drop out of school to help at home. “I hated living in the city when I was young. I wanted to be outdoors and work in the garden.” When she married she got permission to take her parents’ farm and began learning on her own. The only knowledge that she had was traditional techniques passed down from her father. It was hard work, but she was determined.
World Renew’s partner began working in her village in 2013. Every training offered, every exposure visit organized, Joh Lily volunteered to participate. She wanted to learn everything she could. Her rice production grew, and her home garden flourished. She now has a growing agriculture business. She makes enough food to support her family as well as regularly supply the local market with seasonal plants. She successfully implements dry season techniques, which means that even during the low season she is still active on her farm.
Joh Lily’s husband has now stopped his other side jobs to help full time on the farm. Her children often work with them as well. “Even if they decide to pursue other professions, I want to instill in them a love of farming.”
Joh Lily is a model farmer, CBO leader and community activist.
World Renew works in 1,841 of the world’s poorest communities to help bring about lasting change for all who live there. To help demonstrate this ministry, we’ve selected three communities that you can follow over time – because this work that takes time!