World Renew continues to be actively involved in the lives of people and communities in Nigeria who are desperately searching for answers to serious questions like these on a daily basis. People have been deeply hurt physically and emotionally. Hearts are hurting and the suffering is deep. In the past four months, World Renew through its partners has started a trauma-healing initiative to reach those who are oppressed in northern Nigeria. Trained individuals in several communities are meeting with traumatized individuals from diFerent religious, economic, social, and political backgrounds in selected areas to facilitate life- and community transforming discussions. When carefully handled, a traumatized individual’s cognitive, emotional, and physical behavior can be aligned with God’s will and intent in creation. This impacts families and communities positively, as mistrust, revenge, reprisal, and human rights violations are reduced.
Through the trauma-healing initiative, World Renew is also helping traumatized individuals process their hurts in groups so that individual and community healing can be achieved together and forgiveness extended between parties. The process helps build personal and collective resilience. God uses this process to heal broken hearts and motivate communities to move beyond despair.
Through Beacon of Hope Initiative, World Renew is also helping to reduce trauma caused by the HIV and AIDS pandemic in Nigeria. It is estimated that 3.1 million people are living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria. World Renew is providing opportunities for people to receive pastoral counsel before and after HIV screening. This ministry is impacting lives and bringing true hope to many people in our target communities. In some rural communities, people have to walk more than 30 km to get tested for HIV, and the distance reduces the number of people who are willing to go for testing. People need to know their status in order to develop attitudes and behaviors that can prevent HIV or help them live positively with it. Youth conferences provide World Renew and BHI with opportunities to reach out to teens and young adults who may not have access to testing services in their area.