It is wonderful to meet people that I recognize, and they me.  It was amazing to see the completed homes and community structures, and the beginnings of livelihood activities.


Though each house is only two rooms, there is a fantastic array of colours across the 282 houses built. Some have painted brick designs on the plaster that covers the cement blocks, simulating a more expensive house.  Now that people have painted their houses and added the personal touch, houses have really become homes.

Many doors are painted with welcome signs, and everywhere I went people invited me into their homes and offered me tea, which I enjoy so much.

I had the chance to meet Mr. Ganesh Bahadur Gurung and his wife Thul Maya, who are both 80. It was great to see them in their new home.  One of the amazing parts of this project is that we have been able to help a number of elderly families, like this couple, who are often the most vulnerable.

We have also been able to serve the youth of the community. Four schools were equipped with tables, chairs, bookracks, cupboards, white boards, laptops, and a projector to improve the quality of education. In the classroom for the youngest students, dirt floors were replaced by carpet, and low round tables and cushions were given for the small children to sit at.

Our local team also excavated two playgrounds in this mountainous region of Nepal where there is little flat land. Here you can see spirited boys playing football on one of these playgrounds. To see their happy faces nearly three years after the earthquake is a joy.

Starting in December 2017, after the construction component of our response finished, our local team began a livelihood recovery project. With the newly constructed community center, men and women’s groups are now able to organize themselves, hold formal meetings, and become active again. In total, nineteen groups will receive technical training to restore and improve their livelihoods and form savings groups.

In the above photo, Sabitri, a community organizer with World Renew, is working closely with the women planting seeds in one of the six demonstration plots that serves to teach improved farming techniques.

Our agronomist has already provided 40 participants with training on how to improve the growing of winter crops such as cucumber, squash, bitter gourd, and zucchini. Some farmers have received an improved maize seed and kitchen garden seeds so that they can increase their dietary diversity by growing vegetables. Our team is also helping to promote proper waste management of livestock to improve health conditions since animal sheds are typically connected to houses. As men often travel overseas to find work, many of the farmers are women.

In addition to these trainings, some women in the community are taking part in a six-week bakery training that will help them earn additional income by supplying the community with baked goods for many occasions. These women are also receiving sewing training to be able to create traditional dresses worn at many celebrations.

Through these many different programs, the local economy is being strengthened and families are able to restore their way of life. As the third year anniversary of the earthquake draws close, it is amazing to see how some of the poorest communities in this part of Nepal have been transformed through their own hard work and the support of our local team.

Thank you for your support of World Renew’s Nepal Earthquake response!


Grace Wiebe

Senior Project Manager
World Renew International Disaster Response