Did you know there is a Christian Reformed Church in Haiti? The Eglise Chretienne Reformee d’Haiti, or ECRH, was legally recognized in 1999 and currently has 45 affiliated churches in seven geographic departments.

Resonate Global Mission supports the ECRH with theological training for leaders, along with programs for youth and women. World Renew has also been supporting a community transformation program, working through the local churches to facilitate community organization, capacity building, and development programs. Community leaders evaluate community strengths as well as potential for growth and a plan for achieving that growth. Most of the leaders enjoy talking about their strengths and are pleased to have a “report card” that can be shared broadly in the community. Along with efforts to increase community strength, groups have worked on income generation, organized savings and credit groups, and literacy training. In some communities, there have been special efforts to help people register their children to be enrolled in public school. The results are shared with pride.

Strengthening local leadership has been a wise investment. The church suffered a denominational leadership crisis in 2014-15, and funding of national programs was suspended while the church worked through the situation, following their by-laws. A few months ago, looking back at the difficult period during an evaluation with the ECRH, there was recognition that local leaders continued firm in their work at the local level. When denominational leadership issues were resolved, and programs resumed, the work bounced back into action. The leaders look back with satisfaction at the resilience of the communities, feeling that the church as a whole is as strong as ever.

Thanksgiving & Prayers

  • We continue to be head over heels about our grandson, Odin Jean Michel Geisterfer, born on September 27. We’re also thankful for a two-week vacation in late October to get to know him and share this special time with Reuben and Malyssa. Since we both celebrated 60th birthdays this year and began our seventh decades of life, it gives us great joy to welcome the next generation. Praise God for this blessing of life!
  • In our last letter, we shared that I (Caspar) hurt my back due to a fall. There has been no change in my status and I remain under restricted travel rules —no rough roads for me. It doesn’t look like this will change soon, so we thank you for your prayers and concerns. Pray especially that we can find creative ways for me to continue teaching and supervising at a distance.
  • Honduras just held elections for new government officials at all levels at the end of November. Post-election violence is not unusual here. Please pray against it and for peace and safety to prevail. Please pray for a peaceful transition based on the results. Also, pray that these new leaders will be motivated to work according to God’s principles, along with the laws of the country.


Leanne Geisterfer

Team Leader 
World Renew Latin America