Creation Care

God has created the Earth and everything in it, and he has placed the care of this creation in our hands. At home and in tandem with governments, corporations, and world economies, the choices we make can either heal or harm this beautiful planet.

Creation Care

God has created the Earth and everything in it, and he has placed the care of this creation in our hands. At home and in tandem with governments, corporations, and world economies, the choices we make can either heal or harm this beautiful planet.


Creation Care is not only a matter of morals, but a matter of justice. As followers of God, we are summoned into our calling to love the least of these.


It is our duty as Christians, and as the church, to protect creation and the vulnerable people who live in it.


The Earth is a beautiful gift from the Lord. As with all gifts from God, we are expected to steward our resources well, in a way that might be pleasing to him.

What is Creation Care?

Genesis 2:15 recounts when God placed man in charge of caring for the Earth to “work and keep it.” Elsewhere in the Bible we are called to be stewards of all that God has given us. We don’t own the earth; we are called to take care of it for the Lord (Matt. 25:14-30).

This series of five videos from World Renew and The Christian Reformed Church Office of Social Justice (OSJ) puts the spotlight on Bangladesh, where World Renew is promoting floating gardens, alternative means of livelihoods like ducks, and addressing health issues. Together with OSJ we invite you to consider how you can help address the trajectory of climate change through advocacy.

The Bangladesh Bible Study Series is a three-week Bible study designed to help Christians engage faithfully with the issue of climate change in church groups, youth groups, community organizations, and more. It not only explores our biblical mandate to be stewards of creation but also convicts us of our Christian calling to be advocates for people who are poor and vulnerable. Download the Bible study as a PDF here.

The Climate Witness Project (CWP) is a campaign of the Office of Social Justice and World Renew that grows out of several convictions of the Christian Reformed Church. The first is that there is scientific consensus that climate change is damaging our world. Human-made emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are changing the weather, melting polar ice caps, enabling diseases and viruses that have existed only in warm regions to move to more temperate zones, destroying species of animals and plants, and raising sea levels. In addition, there have recently been more prolonged and extreme droughts, more torrential flooding, readings that indicate warmer and more acidic ocean water, and consequent large-scale migrations of peoples and increases in food insecurity around the world.