
World Renew has been working with communities, churches, and local partners in Kenya since 1972. World Renew supports locally led projects in all five key areas of our programming: food security, economic opportunity, community health, disaster response, and peace and justice.


World Renew has been working with communities, churches, and local partners in Kenya since 1972. World Renew supports locally led projects in all five key areas of our programming: food security, economic opportunity, community health, disaster response, and peace and justice.


Despite a growing economy, Kenya still faces significant challenges in its development. The agricultural sector remains central to Kenya’s economy and provides livelihoods for more than 80% of the population, especially in rural areas. However, over one third of the population still lives below the international poverty line, and nearly 30% of children in rural areas are stunted in their growth. Climate change, extensive droughts, inefficient food systems, and population growth have all increased Kenya’s vulnerability to food insecurity and poverty.

Food Security

Economic Opportunity

Community Health

Peace and Justice

Disaster Response

purple kenya
Renewing Hope: Changing Stories of Poverty

“My community health volunteer visited me during this time and taught me about the importance of going to the clinic from the early days of the pregnancy, and she said it helps me to be aware of my health and my baby and monitor my weight. I had issues with bleeding, and I noticed that my baby was not kicking often. When I got pregnant with my second child. . . I went to the clinic the first month, some tests were done. I was also taught on the right nutrition for me, and my pregnancy and my health started improving when I began following the teachings.”

– Sanita, mother

Sanita and her baby

Learn how you can help people like Sanita


Anglican Development Services (ADS) Central Rift exists to improve livelihoods and reduce the risk of disasters for marginalized communities in the Central Rift Region of Kenya through the implementation of integrated development programs and relief projects.

ADS Mt. Kenya envisions dynamic, empowered, and united communities that can sustain their own development and help people live dignified lives. Though ADS Mt. Kenya’s work is multi-faceted, they focus primarily on three key strategic areas: youth empowerment, food security, and community health.

Since 1975, ADS Mt. Kenya East supports communities in natural resource management, sustainable farming and livelihoods, capacity building, integrated community health, and other key areas of programming. World Renew and ADS Mt. Kenya work closely to improve farming through conservation agriculture and to establish Village Savings and Loan Associations.

ADS Pwani envisions empowered and resilient people living in the Coast Region of Kenya, as they work with vulnerable communities to improve food security, health, and education. ADS Pwani and World Renew Kenya have worked extensively together to implement food security programs and Village Savings and Loan Associations in the region.

World Renew’s partnership with ADS Western (ADSW) restarted in 2016 with a major focus on sustainable agriculture in Busia County using conservation practices, after the previous 15 years of partnership in the early 2000s. In its development model, ADSW embraces problem identification, problem solving, capacity building, and informed decision making as essential tools for community development.

World Renew Kenya is directly implementing projects in the drought-affected region of Turkana, supporting communities through climate-adaptive farming, livelihood programs and Village Savings and Loan Associations, water management, and drought response. The goal is to improve food security and incomes for families, while improving communities’ long-term resilience to drought and other disasters.