On October 20th, World Renew held a 50th anniversary celebration event at Meadowlands Fellowship in Ancaster, Ontario. Over two hundred and fifty people gathered for good food, friendly fellowship, and lively worship.

For the first portion of the celebration, people enjoyed a standing reception of delicious hors d’oeuvres. These dishes were traditional to Africa, Asia, Latin America, and North America—some of the many regions in which CRWRC/World Renew is active. Following these refreshments, guests entered the sanctuary for a worship program.

On October 20th, World Renew held a 50th anniversary celebration event at Meadowlands Fellowship in Ancaster, Ontario. Over two hundred and fifty people gathered for good food, friendly fellowship, and lively worship.

For the first portion of the celebration, people enjoyed a standing reception of delicious hors d’oeuvres. These dishes were traditional to Africa, Asia, Latin America, and North America—some of the many regions in which CRWRC/World Renew is active.  Following these refreshments, guests entered the sanctuary for a worship program. 

The anniversary program was a time to hear stories from some of those who have served with World Renew over the years, and to give thanks for all those who contribute to its vibrant work.

“Looking back reminds us what a great a powerful and providential God we serve,” said Canadian Director Ida Kaastra Mutoigo, who emceed the program. “He’s been with us every step of the way.”

“Looking back reminds us what a great a powerful and providential God we serve… He’s been with us every step of the way.”

Peter Zwart, former diaconal ministries coordinator for World Renew, spoke passionately about the role of diaconal development and volunteerism in transforming lives.

Zwart served on the first Board of Directors, and was also a founding member of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB), which was launched in 1983 with five members. CFGB’s alliance with World Renew continues to have a fundamental role in hunger response to this day.

“CRWRC—and now World Renew—always will be a ministry of deacons—both and at home and worldwide,” he said, emphasizing their role in building a more compassionate church beyond the reach of individuals.

Zwart also acknowledged what a blessing it was to see World Renew’s bi-national partnership flourish over the years.

“Looking back at World Renew’s history, on both sides of the border,” he said, “I realized, despite our somewhat different history, we have been able to complement and learn from each other.”


Jacob Kramer, former Director of Disaster response and also a CFGB board member, gave a powerful address about World Renew’s early years, and how they shaped the ministry it is today.  He, too, noted the importance of the alliance with CFGB, which he described as  “A witness that the Christian churches are not standing by idly in times of need, but are engaged in a determined effort to end hunger and to see the world renewed.”

“It has often humbled me to see how dedicated our contingency is to the cause of the poor and the vulnerable. It is a fundamental value, and a lifestyle,” Kramer shared .

Along with looking back to the past, the program also looked forward to the future through testimonies from World Renew’s new generation of young, dedicated leaders.

Ryan Geleynse spoke about his experience traveling as a volunteer videographer with World Renew’s “We Have Faith” caravan, which traveled to Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, and South Africa in 2011. 

“World Renew stands at a crossroads,” said Geleynse. “It is an organization rooted in God’s eternal work and steeped in 50 years of ground level, cross-cultural engagement and relational ties… in a generation  starved for a holistic approach to justice.”

Lauren Beintema, another young volunteer,  shared about the time she spent as a team leader for a group of World Renew volunteers from the Canadian Reformed Church. She became connected with World Renew in her final year of university, and went on to spend four months in Uganda on community development projects. Together with her volunteer group, she was later involved in the Japan earthquake response. Both were experiences of growth, and they demonstrate the crucial role of volunteers.

“Learning about the service of Christ incredibly strengthened my faith, gave me hope for the future, and encouraged me,” said Beintema.  “It is my hope and prayer that God will continue to work through World Renew to inspire, motivate, and support young people—and volunteers in general—to share our overflowing love from God with all of his children around the world.”


In addition hearing testimonies and praying together, attendees were able celebrate by singing songs of joy. They were also treated to a powerful solo performance by Sam Keddy, World Renew’s Assistant Program Manager. Keddy sang the modern worship song “God of This City” as photographs from five decades of ministry were shared on the front screen. The lyrics spoke beautifully to the loving Father at the heart of World Renew’s ministry—He who is light in the darkness, hope to the hopeless, and peace to the restless.

 “May our God of this city—our God of this world—be glorified as we continue to share his blessings with those in need,” said Ida Kaastra Mutoigo as she extended a call to continue with World Renew into the future.

Special thanks to the staff, volunteers, vendors, partners and participants who were instrumental in this celebration! We are also continually thankful for all those who make our ministry possible through their gifts, prayers, and ongoing support. All of you reflect God’s heart for the world—and we look forward serving Him with you in the years to come!

Visit our 50th Anniversary page to read some of the highlights from the past five decades of ministry.