Since 1993 “World Day for Water” has been observed on March 22nd.  The General Assembly of the United Nations encourages the public not to use taps today, and to develop awareness of water issues around the world.

The work of the World Renew frequently identifies and addresses water-related issues. This year’s World Day for Water theme “The World is Thirsty Because We are Hungry” is not just a catchy campaign name:  it is a stark reality in regions where World Renew is responding to disaster as well as partnering in asset-based community development. A video on the UN “World Day for Water” website suggests that by 2025, two thirds of the world’s population could live under water-stressed conditions. Since water is critical to producing food – and since the world’s population will be marching from the current 7 billion to 9 billion by 2050 – time is of the essence, and World Renew’s response is increasingly important.

In Kenya, where the East Africa Drought severely affected millions, a significant part of World Renew’s emergency response was providing drinking water, as well as food, to 14,000 households. Volunteer International Relief Managers Lee and Sue Mys, Bernie Schaaf, and John and Hilda VanGyssel were all involved in the work of providing reliable access to drinking water to families and communities. This included trucking water to communities, constructing water tanks for schools, drilling a borehole, and digging water pans as part of a food-for-work project. Water pans are particularly important during the rainy season, because the pans will capture rainfall, which will be used for drinking and washing. The pans will also provide a source of drinking water for livestock and wild animals. Fred Witteveen, World Renew Country Consultant in Kenya, further describes how World Renew-Kenya is helping communities cope with drought for the long-term here.

Currently World Renew is exploring digging wells as part of its response to drought in Niger.

Support and engage with World Renew’s work addressing water issues globally.


Through the World Renew Gift Catalog you can contribute to the Clean Water Fund, provide water for disaster survivors, or procure water filters and storage containers in Cambodia and Honduras.  Click here:  US | Canada


Finding Water in Ulungu” (Kenya)
“Twenty Wells” (Haiti Earthquake, 2010) | Order
Life-giving Water” (Haiti Hurricane, 2009)


Attention Youth Group leaders, youth pastors, and youth! 

Just Add Water”, an interactive fundraising project for youth, is available. This one-week campaign at your school or church could raise awareness and financial support for life-changing water programs through World Renew!
Flyer:  Canada | US | Poster


Attention elementary teachers and Sunday School teachers!

Water of Life”, a recent World Renew Children’s Giving Project, is available to order free today!

Help your Sunday school or Vacation Bible School students learn about the importance of clean water and how they can help others receive it. This educational/fundraising project focuses on our human need for water—the water that we drink as well as the “living water” that we receive in Christ.

Preview:  Leader’s Guide | Poster

Leader’s Guide | Water of Life Poster | Water of Life Sticker Page | Water of Life Tattoos (Bag of 25