From outcasts to image bearers

Ng’oma family in Malawi standing in front of their house.

In Malawi, Daniel and Judith Ng’oma and their seven children lived as outcasts. Their community shunned them because the Ng’omas’ son Suzgo was born with a physical disability. The community believed that Suzgo’s disability was a punishment for the wrongs his parents had done. Through gifts like yours, World Renew and our local partner, Eagles Relief and Development, provided training in income-generating activities to families struggling with food insecurity in this community… but the community refused to allow the Ng’omas to join the program. Then Eagles staff reminded them, through God’s Word, that God is merciful and requires us to show mercy, too. Today, the Ng’omas are respected and accepted by their community as God’s image bearers. 

What an amazing story of transformation! But God calls us to continue to work for justice and mercy for this family. Suzgo, 15, gets around by rolling and crawling on his elbows. He was attending school until he accidentally fell into a pit and the school’s administration then asked that his parents keep him at home. Too many children like Suzgo are denied the opportunity to attend school. 

Please join us in praying for all children who are denied the opportunity to attend school. Pray that God will fulfill his word, as King David wrote: “The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.” (Psalm 103:6) 

On June 25th, churches across Canada will work together to support Justice for All, and, you can too. By giving to World Renew’s Peace and Justice work, more children and families can continue to learn and have access to education.