The story of Jesus feeding a crowd of over five thousand is hard to forget. People are hungry but there’s not enough food. The need is great—overwhelmingly so—yet Jesus’ power is greater, and he responds as only he can: with miraculous provision. Five loaves and two fish become enough food for thousands—with leftovers! And how does Christ distribute this food? Not by clapping his hands or snapping his fingers to feed everyone in seconds, but by asking his disciples to hand out the loaves and fishes to those in need. His disciples are more than mere witnesses to this remarkable moment of provision—they are active workers in it.

People are hungry but there’s not enough food. The need is great—overwhelmingly so—yet Jesus’ power is greater, and he responds as only he can: with miraculous provision. Five loaves and two fish become enough food for thousands—with leftovers! And how does Christ distribute this food? Not by clapping his hands or snapping his fingers to feed everyone in seconds, but by asking his disciples to hand out the loaves and fishes to those in need. His disciples are more than mere witnesses to this remarkable moment of provision—they are active workers in it.

Stories of severe drought and famine may have us longing for a swift miracle, but God is not calling us to simply stand by and wait; He is calling us to help give strength and hope to the hungry.

Today, Christ continues to work through us, his followers, to help those who are hungry. Stories of severe drought and famine may have us longing for a swift miracle, but God is not calling us to simply stand by and wait; He is calling us to help give strength and hope to the hungry.

The region of East Africa is in the midst of a widespread drought and several communities are experiencing significant crop failure as a result. In the Teso region of Uganda, for example, poor harvests have left thousands of families without enough food to eat. Most families in this remote, rural area only eat one meal per day—and some have no food at all in their home. Households led by single mothers or with elderly family members are especially vulnerable. The need is overwhelming.

In this region of Uganda, World Renew is working through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) and a local church partner to provide food assistance to 1,200 vulnerable families.

These families are receiving a monthly ration of maize flour, beans and cooking oil for a period of four months. They are also being equipped with cowpeas and sorghum seeds to plant and grow, which will help sustain them in future periods of drought.

In order for a food distribution to go well, every step must be carefully planned to ensure that those who have been identified and registered as beneficiaries receive what they need. Cooperation between community leaders and members during a food distribution is also essential. These distributions often take place on hot, dry days over the course of a few long hours. Community members demonstrate their generosity by helping each other carry heavy bags, and they work together to maintain a sense of order as families eagerly await their turn to receive their assistance.

Twenty-eight-year-old Eluga is just one of the many farmers in the Teso region who is receiving food assistance through World Renew. The drought has made life incredibly difficult for Eluga and his family. He and his wife have two young children and also care for the four children of a disabled relative. Eluga works hard to provide for his family by working as a paid laborer and farming their small plot of land. Like so many farmers in the area, however, he is struggling to get by and he worries about the health and future of his family members.

“Because things have been growing so poorly, the children do not have a balanced diet and every now and then they fall sick,” said Eluga. “So I am very happy about this assistance. I’m hopeful that it will help us for some time. I’m thankful to everyone who made this possible.”

World Renew partners and staff are grateful for the opportunity to carry out God’s call to feed those who are hungry. Though this isn’t a miracle like Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves and fishes, it is an incredible demonstration of the generosity of God’s people around the world contributing to the work of ending hunger.

Though thousands throughout East Africa are receiving assistance in their time of need, there are still many who go to bed hungry. Your gifts and prayers to World Renew’s Famine and Drought Response are urgently needed to help even more hungry families have enough food today and strength for tomorrow.

When we generously work together in the name of Christ, our efforts are multiplied in miraculous ways to make a lasting difference for people in need. Please give today.