The 7.8 magnitude quake was the worst quake that Nepal has experienced in 81 years. Its tremors were felt as far away as Pakistan and deaths have been reported in Nepal, India, Bangladesh and China. In addition to the loss of life, the quake toppled buildings and caused enormous craters in roads. It also set off an avalanche on Mount Everest that swept through the base camp where more than 1,000 climbers were preparing to climb

While World Renew does not have staff members in Nepal, it has received reports from our colleagues at Christian Reformed World Missions that all of their staff members in the country are safe.

“After the big quake, everyone was gathering outside in open areas for hours and now people are finally starting to come back inside,” said a CRWM staff member* who adds that some people are staying with his family in their home since they don’t trust the structural integrity of their own houses. “It has been 6.5 hours since the quake and the earthquake alarm still buzzes every 30 minutes or so from aftershocks and tremors. We appreciate continued prayers for a quiet night and especially for those who have lost loved ones or seen extensive damage to their property.”

Today, World Renew is meeting with its staff in Bangladesh as well as several Christian alliances and church organizations to determine how it can best respond to the great needs in Nepal and its neighboring countries.

“As Christians, we are called to shine God’s love in times of pain,” said Kenneth Kim, World Renew’s Director of Disaster Response and Rehabilitation. “We are assessing possible responses with our partners and colleagues at this time. Given the devastation, we will likely provide both immediate assistance in terms of food, water and temporary shelter as well as longer term rehabilitation as those affected recover and rebuild in the aftermath.”