Pen Kanya, 31, worked in the garment factories for nearly 10 years. “I left home to earn higher wages, starting at $45 a month. I wanted to save money to send home, but after covering my living expenses there was very little left over.”

In 2012, World Renew’s partner started working in her village, offering many kinds of training; savings group formation, animal raising and vegetable growing practices. Pen Kanya returned home and participated in all of them. “Even though the money I earn isn’t much higher than the garment factory, I can grow my own food and have a much healthier lifestyle.” With her money she can now support her aging mother as well as her youngest sister who is attending university in Phnom Penh.

Join World Renew in changing the stories of men, women, and children through our integrated community development programs and disaster response projects.

Your gifts through the 2016-17 Gift Catalog will be immediately put to use to create Enough Food, Fruitful Work, Good Health, and Peace and Justice, and will help us respond to disasters in North America and abroad.