Through our membership in Canadian Foodgrains Bank, World Renew’s capacity to provide disaster response and food security programs on a global scale has grown over the years.


Through our membership in Canadian Foodgrains Bank, World Renew’s capacity to provide disaster response and food security programs on a global scale has grown over the years.

Partnership in action

There are up to an estimated 757 million people facing hunger and malnutrition worldwide.

World Renew is a member of Canadian Foodgrains Bank and shares its mission of ending global hunger.

The Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a partnership of 15 Canadian churches and church-based agencies focused on ending global hunger by working with locally-based organizations in developing countries. Its goal is to meet emergency food needs and to achieve long-term solutions to hunger.

World Renew & the Canadian Foodgrains Bank Working Together

World Renew is a founding member of Canadian Foodgrains Bank, working closely together to end global hunger. Canadian Foodgrains Bank supports World Renew by collecting donations from generous donors, churches, and growing projects, providing funds and expert advice on projects, and purchasing and distribution of food assistance. Here’s how that happens:

  • World Renew receives gifts from individuals, churches, communities, growing projects and businesses to our Canadian Foodgrains Bank account.
  • These gifts are matched up to 4:1, from a variety of public and private sources.
  • Gifts given to World Renew’s account for all projects are available for immediate use.
  • If World Renew is unable to respond to a particular need, we can contribute funds from our account to any of the 15 other Christian member organizations at the Foodgrains Bank who are responding to that need.

Working to end world hunger

Church Engagement

Through year-round giving, churches across Canada generously donate to provide World Renew with immediate access to emergency funds for international disasters. Each year, many churches participate in Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday; a time to give and learn about how Christians can respond to global hunger. In addition, many rural and urban churches fund World Renew growing projects with the Foodgrains Bank. All these gifts are eligible to be matched through Canadian Foodgrains Bank.

Growing Projects

Through community growing projects, farmers work together to plant, tend and harvest their crops, then give the proceeds of the sale to World Renew’s account at Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Funds raised through these acres of land are then matched. There are hundreds of growing projects across Canada, generously contributing donations to the Foodgrains Bank.

Individual Donations

People like you match their regular donations to World Renew with Canadian Foodgrains Bank by making ongoing contributions through their church or World Renew. When you give online, your gift goes toward World Renew work with Canadian Foodgrains Bank including emergency food assistance in times of disaster and long-term food security projects.

You can be part of the solution

Hunger is an injustice faced by millions and a reminder of how desperate things have become for those suffering from it. But you can help end hunger today.

As a member of Canadian Foodgrains Bank, World Renew provides food assistance for survivors of disaster and conflict, who struggle every day just to secure their basic needs. World Renew and the Foodgrains Bank also bring long-term hope to families by providing tools and training needed for sustainable farming and livelihoods.

When you walk alongside World Renew to provide better food security to families, you share hope for a brighter future.

Use your voice

Philippians 4:6 reminds us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” We believe God listens, and invite you to join us in prayer for communities who working to overcome hunger. Download this devotional guide for family friendly reflections or view our Foodgrains slide deck to prayer along with churches across Canada.

Finding a solution to hunger takes all of us. Will you use your voice to call on our elected leaders to extend support to global families who are changing the story of hunger amid drought, disaster, and food shortages?

Join the fight to end global hunger

Thanks to generous-hearted people like you, World Renew and Canadian Foodgrains Bank have programmed $11.2 million to respond to crises around the world and support large-scale projects in places like Syria, Lebanon, Nigeria, and Bangladesh. Through the generosity of donors, World Renew has brought the love of Christ and the hope of food security to millions of people.