Light at the End of a Long Tunnel

Close up photo of a Nigerian man, woman and baby with a girl in the background

Married in 2012, Bridget and Isuwa longed to expand their family. Sadly, they remained childless. But the couple never considered visiting a clinic to seek medical support. Instead, they turned to traditional herbal remedies and, after several devastating miscarriages, they began to lose hope of ever having a child.

When World Renew and its local partner introduced the Maternal and Child Health program in the community in Nigeria where Bridget and Isuwa live, Bridget decided to enroll. At the clinic she learned about the importance of antenatal check ups. Bridget shared the information with her husband, so that when she conceived again, they both knew antenatal care was necessary for her and their unborn child.

Fortunately, with this pregnancy, Bridget attended the antenatal clinic where she was diagnosed and treated for an infection. Infections like the one Bridget had are often the cause of conception difficulties and miscarriages. Bridget is grateful for the program; she is not alone. In the last year, a total of 720 women of childbearing age from the 12 target communities in Nigeria, participated in the program.

Each of the 12 communities have now established a Village Development Committee (VDC). VDC members were trained to conduct home visits to encourage pregnant women to enroll and attend antenatal services. VDC members also mobilised local resources to support needy expectant mothers with transportation to clinics and to provide them with soap and detergents.

Throughout her pregnancy, Bridget visited the clinic for regular check ups and practiced all she had learned about eating well, getting enough rest, and taking supplements. The couple was elated when Bridget delivered a healthy baby boy, Sylvester, in April 2020. The proud father, Isuwa, said, “I strongly recommend to all pregnant women that they attend antenatal clinics regularly and obey medical advice. All women of childbearing age in our community should join this excellent program. I am so thankful to [World Renew] for reaching families in my community.”

We invite you to celebrate Maternal and Child Health Sunday with World Renew on May 9th. Your donation to the Maternal and Child Health program helps mothers and mothers-to-be to improve their health, as well as that of their children through community-based health promotion, education and nutrition programs.