(TANZANIA) This note is to thank you sincerely for your continued support of our work in Tanzania. Your prayers are my lifeline. Each day brings challenges, and through those challenges we get opportunities to share God’s love. Your financial support helps us get into communities to help unleash people’s potential through training, links with resources, and connections with institutions in and outside of the government, among others.

My greatest joy is listening to a CRWRC/World Renew participant tell the story of our journey together and how through that journey she/he has changed economically, socially, and spiritually. After just one year of training, a group of 30 people saved some of their earnings together and now has Tshs. 5 million (about US$1,900). When they invited me to attend their one-year cerebration, I asked them two questions: “Didn’t you tell me you were poor and had no extra money to improve your livelihoods?” And “What did I give you?” The group members laughed at the first question and replied, “Yes, we told you we were poor and had no extra money.” To the second question they said, “You gave us training, and it’s training we need—not handouts.” This is a statement that I like to hear all the time: I said a big AMEN!

Prayer needs: 

  • for continued victory over those opposed to our mission 
  • for protection as we drive to different parts of the country 
  • for God to transform or remove unfaithful Church leaders in our programs


Blessings to you all.

Margaret Njuguna

Country Director
World Renew Tanzania