(HONDURAS) During July, I had the privilege of witnessing the amazing work accomplished by members of the justice team of the ICRRD (Christian Reformed Church-Dominican Republic).

As background, and contrary to practice since 1929, the Dominican courts ruled that children born in the DR to foreigners would only receive citizenship if their parents had appropriate documentation. That ruling stripped many citizens of their status, obligating them to “regularize” their situation. The government also indicated it would begin to deport all foreigners without appropriate documentation. This is a delicate issue for the ICRRD, which was established by Haitian immigrants in sugar cane camps, and there was potential of families being separated.

A reprieve was granted, giving foreigners until August 1 to turn in the documentation needed to legalize their status, and the ICRRD justice team stepped up to make it happen. With the support of two grants from World Renew, they initiated an educational campaign in the communities of more than 100 CRCs, explaining the requirements and facilitating the process of submitting completed files. The CRC of Monte Plata had a small office for a family restoration program, which became the center of operations.

By the first of August, the volunteers of the justice committee were able to help more than 2,000 people submit completed files. Now they wait for the files to be reviewed and approved and the government office.

Insufficient logistics have prevented the Dominican government from undertaking massive deportation. However, the threat of being forced to leave behind family and possessions has pushed many to leave on their own. A World Renew partner in Haiti (PWOFOD) has set up a facility near the border where “returnees” are dropped off and can find food and water, information about services, and a place to sleep before heading to a village where they hope to find someone who may still remember them.

Please pray for this situation. Praise God for the volunteers who have helped so many people organize their files. Pray for justice in the application of the laws. Pray for those who are living in fear of deportation. And pray for those who have never been to Haiti but are trying make a go of living there. 

Please join us in prayer.

  • During home service visits in 2014, Caspar explained his new financial goals. Praise God for blessing our partnerships during the past fiscal year so that over 100% of Caspar’s support came in. Pray with us as he now begins again at 0% and works toward the same goal by June 30, 2016.
  • Last fall, Caspar started teaching classes (Prophets, Preaching, and Biblical Worldview) to 20 students in southern Honduras. In August, he added a new group of 27 in Olancho. Praise God for their interest to learn about serving God. Most are employed full-time, so pray that their enthusiasm continues and they can complete their assignments.
  • In CRWM’s work with young people, we have established 27 youth clubs with 100 youth mentors who are reaching 650 young people. A sports component has been added to the activities. God has blessed the program with a young woman, Ashley Rodriguez, who is spearheading the work in the mountain communities of Olancho. Please pray for her as she continues to provide leadership.
  • About 25 educators are finishing up their training in Educational Care. It has been an exciting year, working with these 25 people and getting them ready to invade the educational programs of schools and churches. Please pray for the team of six who have taken on the leadership of this program.
  • Once again, the “dry corridor” of Central America is suffering through a drought. Some forecasters say it will be the worst in 50 years. Many farmers did not dare to plant during the first season, and most of those who took a risk have lost that crop. World Renew is responding with a small project for farm families in Nicaragua. Please pray for rain for the second planting season.

Thank you for your continued support. 

Shalom, from the Geisterfers,

Leanne and Caspar Geisterfer

Latin America Team Leader
World Renew Honduras

Image above: The justice office built and maintained by the Monte Plata CRC.