Alberto André Tandamula is a young man from Lifuitchi Tulo parish. Alberto is married and has two children. Alberto is also is an “adepto” (facilitator) with a World Renew partner in Mozambique, the Anglican Diocese of Niassa. The Diocese is World Renew’s implementing partner in a five year sustainable livelihoods project funded by the Canadian government’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD, formerly CIDA).

After receiving training in conservation agriculture, Tandamula decided to share what he learnt by training neighbouring communities. Techniques included  minimum tillage, mulching, and applying compost instead chemical fertilizer. In  addition to  facilitating trainings in three communities, Tandamula set up a demontration plot, where he tries what he teaches. This way farmers in the program can come to see his example.

Ultimately Tandamula felt that it would not be good for him to teach others without having his own farm to practice what he teaches. In November, he started to collect grasses to pile on his farm land as a mulch (blanket) and prepared compost, with which he filled holes he made ​​in November, using manure. Manyof the local people laughede as they watched him, thinking his ideas were crazy/

Later however, these same people began to see the difference between the maize that is growing on Tandamula’s farm and that of his neighbors who did not use the conservation agriculture techniques.  As a result, people visit  Tandamula’s farm regularly to see how conservation agriculture has improved his results.

Tandamula is certainly an example not only to farmers participating in the sustainable livlihoods project, but also to his colleagues, the other adeptos of the Anglican Diocese of Niassa!

Prayer Items

  • Praise God for good rains this year (even though it has caused flooding in some places across Mozambique). Many farmers are hopeful for a better harvest.
  • Praise God that normalcy has now been restored after last year’s  political tensions.
  • Praise God for an extension of the Mutarara food security program by FRB that will continue the good work there for another four years. Pray for an effective start for this project.
  • Pray that peace will continue here, especially as the the approach to the general elections at the end of 2014. Pray for free and fair elections in Mozambique.

Continue to pray for World Renew’s partners in Mozambique, the Anglican Diocese of Niassa and Reformed Church in Mozambique (Igreja Reformada em Mozambique), for wisdom and grace as they facilitate development programs in their target communities.

In Christ,

Istifanus Gimba

World Renew Mozambique

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