“you have planted hope in our souls”
February 6, 2025

“You have planted hope in our souls”
February 6, 2025
The United Nations estimated, as of May 2024, that 16.7 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance across Syria. The earthquakes that rocked the north of the country and southern Türkiye in February 2023, killing over 50,000 people, injuring at least 100,000, and destroying infrastructure and property, contributed to the struggles and heartache of many families—families like Maryam’s*.
Maryam and her family live in an old, abandoned church in Aleppo, a city that was severely impacted by the earthquakes and where, through the distribution of food baskets and other essentials, World Renew’s local Christian partner has been working to share Christ’s hope with families struggling with hunger and poverty. Long before the earthquakes, Maryam’s family fled to Aleppo to escape the impacts of civil war in their community. “The bishop offered us this place to protect us from being on the streets,” Maryam shares. “Before the war, we had a poor economic situation, and someone offered us their house for free. However, the house was hit by a shell and was completely destroyed. For eight years, we have been living in this abandoned church. Adapting to this place has not been easy at all; the building is old and dilapidated and lacks many basic necessities.”
Alongside the dangers of civil war and the fears that come with being displaced, Syrian families like Maryam’s struggle to find employment amid an economic crisis. “Prices have increased a lot, making life even more difficult. And like many other families, we [face] the lack of work and poor income,” says Maryam. “My husband was able to buy an espresso machine with a loan and used it to run a small business for four months. Unfortunately, he was called up for the reserve military service in October 2023 and we were left without a breadwinner.”
Without her husband’s support, Maryam found herself struggling to care for her family. “I tried to work as a house cleaner for a while but having three very young children made it almost impossible. They need me to take care of them as there is no one they can stay with whilst I’m working,” she explains. “Now, we rely on a modest income from my father-in-law, who lives with us, and works as a custodian at the church.”
Maryam says the earthquakes pushed her family further into income instability and left them with psychological scars. “As if the war and economic crisis were not enough, the earthquakes added to our suffering . . . leaving behind fear and panic that disrupted our lives for a long time,” she says.
Maryam feels blessed that she heard about support World Renew’s church partner was offering to families impacted by the earthquakes, and after sharing her story with church staff she says, “We have been receiving regular food and hygiene boxes for the past nine months in addition to winter assistance.” She continues, “This assistance has been a lifeline for us; we feel safe and comfortable at least having food on the table no matter what. Even the cleaning supplies basket brings me great joy.”
In late 2024, fighting intensified in northwest Syria, and rebel forces captured both Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, and the capital, Damascus. This offensive led to the fall of Bashar al-Assad, whose family had ruled Syria for more than 50 years. These developments led to the displacement of one million internally in northwest Syria added to the 3.5 million people who were already displaced and put further strains on a fragile economy. World Renew’s partner continues to work in the region, delivering baskets of hope.
“Despite all the poverty and unhappiness, you have planted hope in our souls, and thanks to you we can continue,” Maryam says, her voice quivering with emotion. “I tell my children that Jesus will not abandon us. Every time I come back carrying the basket, I see happiness and reassurance in my children’s eyes. The belief that God is with us despite all the harsh circumstances has been our main inspiration. I always feel that God places good people in our path to help us unconditionally. . . . I pray for you, your families, and for everyone who extended a helping hand.”
Thank you for your gifts that help renew hope for families like Maryam’s. Your continued support to World Renew’s International Disaster Response work allows us to respond quickly and share Christ’s love with vulnerable families.
*Maryam’s name has been changed for her security.
The United Nations estimated, as of May 2024, that 16.7 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance across Syria. The earthquakes that rocked the north of the country and southern Türkiye in February 2023, killing over 50,000 people, injuring at least 100,000, and destroying infrastructure and property, contributed to the struggles and heartache of many families—families like Maryam’s*.
Maryam and her family live in an old, abandoned church in Aleppo, a city that was severely impacted by the earthquakes and where, through the distribution of food baskets and other essentials, World Renew’s local Christian partner has been working to share Christ’s hope with families struggling with hunger and poverty. Long before the earthquakes, Maryam’s family fled to Aleppo to escape the impacts of civil war in their community. “The bishop offered us this place to protect us from being on the streets,” Maryam shares. “Before the war, we had a poor economic situation, and someone offered us their house for free. However, the house was hit by a shell and was completely destroyed. For eight years, we have been living in this abandoned church. Adapting to this place has not been easy at all; the building is old and dilapidated and lacks many basic necessities.”
Alongside the dangers of civil war and the fears that come with being displaced, Syrian families like Maryam’s struggle to find employment amid an economic crisis. “Prices have increased a lot, making life even more difficult. And like many other families, we [face] the lack of work and poor income,” says Maryam. “My husband was able to buy an espresso machine with a loan and used it to run a small business for four months. Unfortunately, he was called up for the reserve military service in October 2023 and we were left without a breadwinner.”
Without her husband’s support, Maryam found herself struggling to care for her family. “I tried to work as a house cleaner for a while but having three very young children made it almost impossible. They need me to take care of them as there is no one they can stay with whilst I’m working,” she explains. “Now, we rely on a modest income from my father-in-law, who lives with us, and works as a custodian at the church.”
Maryam says the earthquakes pushed her family further into income instability and left them with psychological scars. “As if the war and economic crisis were not enough, the earthquakes added to our suffering . . . leaving behind fear and panic that disrupted our lives for a long time,” she says.
Maryam feels blessed that she heard about support World Renew’s church partner was offering to families impacted by the earthquakes, and after sharing her story with church staff she says, “We have been receiving regular food and hygiene boxes for the past nine months in addition to winter assistance.” She continues, “This assistance has been a lifeline for us; we feel safe and comfortable at least having food on the table no matter what. Even the cleaning supplies basket brings me great joy.”
In late 2024, fighting intensified in northwest Syria, and rebel forces captured both Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, and the capital, Damascus. This offensive led to the fall of Bashar al-Assad, whose family had ruled Syria for more than 50 years. These developments led to the displacement of one million internally in northwest Syria added to the 3.5 million people who were already displaced and put further strains on a fragile economy. World Renew’s partner continues to work in the region, delivering baskets of hope.
“Despite all the poverty and unhappiness, you have planted hope in our souls, and thanks to you we can continue,” Maryam says, her voice quivering with emotion. “I tell my children that Jesus will not abandon us. Every time I come back carrying the basket, I see happiness and reassurance in my children’s eyes. The belief that God is with us despite all the harsh circumstances has been our main inspiration. I always feel that God places good people in our path to help us unconditionally. . . . I pray for you, your families, and for everyone who extended a helping hand.”
Thank you for your gifts that help renew hope for families like Maryam’s. Your continued support to World Renew’s International Disaster Response work allows us to respond quickly and share Christ’s love with vulnerable families.
*Maryam’s name has been changed for her security.